Comments, starting with ">>comment<<" and ending with ">><<", only show up in the edit form, not the real page. They should be deleted once the relevant section is completed. They're just here to explain labels and to help with wiki markup.

Only edit the ellipses and CAPS in the fields below!

Describe the creature briefly (eg. "Summary: The Hind, deadly monster of legend.").

(:Under Construction:)

from Sanctuary

Name: Wigglytuff (Gearious)

Category: Monsters, Pets

Type: Mammalians

Size: Medium

Region: Aquatic, Grassland, Forest, Underground

Rarity: Very Rare, Very Exotic

Lifespan: 10 `- 15 years



Please give as detailed a physical description as possible.


You can include artwork to give a better visual, but please make sure you have permission to use the image (if it's not your own ) and credit properly (if the art is not your own work, change YOURNAME? to OWNERNAME?). We adore art drawn specifically for EF! <3 (If you don't have an image, remove this section.)



How does the creature normally behave? Does it act differently towards other species, or at certain times of the year (eg. during mating season some animals might become much more aggressive). For the sake of roleplay, we're especially interested in how it interacts with humanoids.

Diet: ...

What does the creature usually eat? (You could just put something general like "carnivore" if the creature isn't fussy about what meat it eats, or you can be specific.)

Habitat: ...

What kind of living conditions does the creature require to survive (eg. an arctic penguin would need arctic conditions, while a tropical fish would need lots of warm water). This field is related to the "Regions" field, but more specific.

Breeding: ...

This section is a place where you can provide breeding information (eg. how often does the creature mate? Does it need any special requirements such as a specific temperature or absolute silence in order to successfully reproduce? How long does it take for its young to grow up? etc). This section is especially useful if the creature has unusual breeding conditions.

Special Information

Please separate individual attributes into their own bullet points.


Does the creature have any special abilities, like the firefox's flameburst or the unicorn's healing properties?

  • ...
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Does the creature have any particular weaknesses, like the fire elemental's weakness to water? (You should try to keep a balance between strengths and weaknesses. ;))

  • ...
  • ...


Can the creature be used, in whole or in part, for instance as ingredients in healing potions or to make a special kind of paper, etc? If so, remember to put a Useful tag at the bottom of the profile.

  • ...
  • ...

Origin: ...

Where did the creature come from? Did it evolve naturally from another species, was it one of Xanth's experiments, was it introduced artificially from another habitat, etc?

Other Info: ...

This is a space to include any further information you feel would be of interest.

Creator: Rose?

Replace the "..." with your OOC name/alias (eg. Emma?). It will link to your wiki profile, which you can then use to link to your characters and describe a bit about yourself. :)

Creatures Stubs Drafts Under Construction

Add tags as necessary (see for more information). Make sure to leave in the [[!Creatures] tag and to copy the tags from the Size, Type, Category and Region fields also.