
This does not track active characters or those sorted under the old power/application system. It's a splice of statistics just to give a general idea of character trends, and is updated every few months. Last update: 3rd September, 2011


     Male: 45
     Female: 64


     Anyelos: 13
     Dracovarian: 11
     Human: 2
     Nymph: 7
     Therian: 9
     Vampire: 7
     Zanaryan: 5


     Apalos: 3
     Skotados: 5

     Aurumus: 2
     Peteulanus: 1
     Rutilus: 3
     Viridis: 1

     Ayad: 0
     Dryad: 2
     Nereid: 3
     Nyad: 2

     Charmer: 3
     Hunter: 4

     Dao: 1
     Djinn: 1
     Ifrit: 1
     Marid: 1


     Peacekeeper: 1
     Warrior: 3

     Bonded Summoner: 3
     Unbonded Summoner: 0

     Wanderer: 2
     Warden: 0

     Master?: 0

     Aziz: 1