Citizens of Elysia? remember.

Those who help them and do good deeds gradually become famous and well-liked, while those who cheat and steal and murder become infamous instead -- and that fame or infamy can dramatically alter the way denizens? treat your character.

Although the infamous can find plenty of opportunities in the criminal underworld, the consequences (from WANTED posters and bounty hunters, to rival crooks and having no rocks to hide under) can be dire. But while it might seem that the famous have it much easier, getting help from citizens who recognise and admire them, others (especially those who mistrust the government and the Guards) will turn their backs -- so choose wisely.

The System

This is all represented by our Fame system, where your character's reputation is displayed as Fame for "good" and Infamy for "bad", according to what they've done and how many "reputation" points they've earned.

So if your character helps catch a murderer and hands them over to the Town Guard?, they'll win some respect from those Guardsmen (who will spread your tale further the more you do for them), whereas if your character is the murderer, they'll earn infamy instead.

Infamy, infamy! They've all got it in for me!

But characters don't have to be good or bad forever. Everyone makes mistakes and choices that change their lives, so it's possible for them to be both a hero and a villain. That's why there are two aspects to the system, so you can play both sides and not have to choose -- much.

How does it work?

Your Fame and Infamy stats are listed in your character's sidebar, with the +positive representing Fame and the -negative representing Infamy (so if you have +15/-50, you are more infamous than you are famous).

For every "good" deed your character does, they will receive +Fame points that represent how well-liked they are, and how far tales of their deeds have spread.

For every "bad" deed your character does, they will receive -Infamy points that represent how much citizens dislike them, and how far tales of their misdeeds have spread.

If your character has racked up Infamy points and then does a "good" deed, half of the points they would ordinarily add to their Fame will instead be deducted from the Infamy field. Only when they're neutral again will all their points be added to the Fame field as normal (unless you request otherwise for a character who has an alter-ego).

And the same is true in reverse: If your character has racked up Fame points and then does a "bad" deed, half of the points ordinarily added to the Infamy will instead be deducted from the Fame field, until they're neutral again.

So there is such a thing as redemption.

What do the points mean?

The total number of Fame and Infamy points you have affects your reputation, as charted below: the more you have, the more likely it is for your identity to precede you.

If you have points in only one or the other, you will gain a 10pt bonus to that side, whereas if you have both Fame and Infamy, 10pts will be deducted from both sides in order to account for your dual reputation.

000pts -- Unknown.
010pts -- Familiar locally as neighbourly or a ne'er-do-well. Unknown elsewhere.
025pts -- Recognised regionally as helpful or a scoundrel. Familiar across the continent.
050pts -- Recognised across the continent as reputable or a miscreant. Familiar throughout the realm.
075pts -- World-renowned as noble or a blackguard. Recognised in other realms.
100pts -- Legendary throughout the Known Realms as a villain or a hero.

Being famous, or infamous, means that more NPCs will respond to you in a more meaningful way.

If you're famous, ordinary citizens and even PCs will respond to your kindnesses. They will remember you for being helpful, and tell others about your good deeds. You will receive more and better job opportunities because you're known to be trustworthy, and entrusted with gossips and rumours (which also will lead to more opportunities) that wouldn't be shared otherwise. Citizens will also be more willing to help you out and do you favours, even selling things to you at cheaper prices because "you're such a good guy". :+ However, people who don't trust the law and the government will avoid you, and you will find it more difficult to get them to open up to you. You'll attract more attention from criminals as a potential target because you're so well-known (and probably rich), and may incite attacks out of petty jealousy or revenge.
If you're infamous, criminals will respond better to you and offer you more job opportunities than if you're a goody-goody. Organisations like the Thieves' Guild? will be more willing to trust you, and other criminals may even help you out. Citizens will fear you, and as a result you are more likely to be able to intimidate them into giving you what you want. :+ Conversely, you will be more likely to get into trouble with the law and have WANTED posters put up with your face on them, and bounty hunters and guardsmen alike will be more likely to chase you.

How to earn Fame and Infamy

  • The most notable method is to complete a quest. Fame/Infamy points are awarded by the employer(s), and sometimes other NPC participants as well, according to the difficulty of the quest.
  • You may also ask a Writer to evaluate your standard roleplay threads for Fame/Infamy, although you will likely only receive points for threads where your character has performed significant events where NPCs were available as witnesses.
  • Participate in in-character events that offer Fame/Infamy as a reward.

What to do with your Fame and Infamy

On top of influencing your in-game reputation and opportunities, fame/infamy means better opportunities out of character -- including xanthai, rare and exotic items, custom titles, personalised quests and special plot considerations. When people know your name and your face, the possibilities are endless!

Game Mechanics Guides