Elysian Fields: Replying To [?] Mental shield - Elysian Fields

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Replying to [?] Mental shield

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Xanth Icon

Posted 24 November 2012 - 12:42 PM

Hey, Lau. I'll take a look at MS when I get to the current skills during the revamp. I think it probably needs a serious overhaul and I like your suggestion about having a mental battle of wits so I'll keep this thread in mind when I'm reviewing the telepathy skills. :D

Thanks for posting! <3

Alistair Icon

Posted 23 November 2012 - 10:45 PM

It says on the mental shield page that say a telepath loses 30% of their success for every level someone has in mental shield, but doesn't that seem a little overpowered? Because a really skilled Telepath such as Jericho would have no chance at all of accessing someone with five levels of mental shield. So maybe I don't know, there could be a reduced loss of percentage? And say someone with telepathy 5 and someone with mental shield 5 could have a mental battle, like breaking down a barrier to try and get in, which people could roleplay out.

I dunno, just some ideas, I'm silly. Also sorry this tag should probs be [+]

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