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[?] The Nymph Torch!

#1 User is offline   Leonard Icon

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Posted 26 July 2011 - 09:59 PM

I have a question about Nymphs, and in case you didn't get it, the title was a fantastic four reference.

I was wondering if Nymphs who use fire (Nereids)are immune to fire. I'm in the middle of making a Nymph, and I was thinking of having her wear a dress of fire, so to speak. Is that possible?

I know Nymphs have to stay 'connected' to their element or they will become sick, but um... I guess that doesn't have to mean they literally have to be touching their element. So, I'm looking for someone to definitely clear that up for me. Thanks in advance.
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#2 User is offline   Lazuli Icon

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:06 PM

Emma has the final say on this, but as far as I know, a nymph's element does not make him/her immune to that element. So if Lazuli was tied down into the ocean by a giant rock, she wouldn't be immune from drowning just because she's a nyad.

But, the nymph's skills come a lot into play. If your nereid is very skilled in her elemental power, she may be able to control the temperature of the fire just short of her body so that her skin doesn't burn, or something like that.

Basically, there's no mere physical immunity just for being a certain type. And it may be interesting to point out that all nymphs are born the same until they bond with their element through the Sylvan Rite of Bonding. :)
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#3 User is offline   Xanth Icon

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 08:52 AM

Sky and Russ are right: Nymphs don't become immune to their element. However, Elemental Shield means they can defend against it and the other elements to a degree (dependent on their level), and Transmutation lets them turn into their element. While transformed, they are immune to that element's effects, but they actually are that element, so wearing a fire-dress would be a moot point...

To wear a dress of fire would take a lot of concentration, though. It would mean either a very high level of Elemental Manipulation to work it like Sky said, or the combined use of Shield and Manipulation -- constantly. She'd have to be on her guard all the time against setting fire not only to herself but also her surroundings. You don't get that kind of skill in younger characters, so you'd need to buy a higher-grade pack than just the Starter in order to give her the kind of levels and age she'd need to pull it off.

You also have to remember that life in Elysia is simple. They have to work hard every day just to survive, so they don't tend to do things they'd consider frivolous. Unless she's a fire-dancer or some other kind of entertainer who uses the fire-dress as some kind of gimmick, I think you'd have a hard time justifying it. (That's not to say you can't, just that it would be difficult to fit it into the setting. We can brainstorm ways around it, though.)

As well, Nymphs are all about the Balance, so she'd be ostracised for unnecessarily endangering the people and wildlife around her.

Russ suggested buying an enchanted item from Xanth via the Prize Shop to make her immune, but she'd still need a high enough level in Manip to keep the flames from setting everything alight around her. (Unlike the other elements, one spark of a flame can swiftly grow beyond the Nereid's control. It's naturally destructive, so for them it's about keeping a tight leash on it, while the other Nymphs have to make an effort to build their element up into something harmful instead.)

You could go with an enchanted item to actually make the dress for her. Something like that would really need to have an epic background, though, to fit into the setting. (Maybe dating from the Elemental War (c. 2,800-3,000 XA) but that hasn't been written up yet.)

Another question occurs to me, too: Since she needs to be shielded from it, does it function as protection from the cold?

#4 User is offline   Leonard Icon

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 07:56 PM

Thank you both for your replies. That clears things up for me. I'm glad I asked this before drawing a fire version of the character. I've decided to scrap the idea, as it is, it is too much work to make a dress of fire. It'd be a lot easier to transmute into flames. I didn't think you could use that on yourself.

Although its a moot point, I feel obligated to answer your question, as it is kinda interesting. My opinion is that a dress of fire would protect from the cold. The cold would also make it harder for the dress to burn you, thus you would need less concentration on your abilities to protect yourself from it. However, there would still

There is a mask I've designed for her. One that has a torch built into the top. I was thinking that wouldn't be too hard to pull off. There would be natural insulation to help protect her, but she will probably need to use her powers as well. The mask's origins is that it was designed as a training tools for Nereids. The idea is to keep the torch lit while keeping it low enough to be shielded against.

I have another question, but it is unrelated. It sounds kinda silly to me to make a new topic about it, so I'll just go ahead and ask it here.

Is it possible to own multiple homes as long as you have the OOC cash to buy multiple ones? Of course in character my character would have to be very rich to pull it off, as I do understand the setting of the world is supposed to be as such.

My reasons behind wanting multiple home ownership is as a follows. My character 'The Lost' has two personas (actually 3). His first identity is as a simple citizen named Leonard. His second identity is that of 'The Lost'. I wanted Leonard to live in a normal apartment, which he does, but I also wanted him to own something like a secret hideout. It wouldn't be anything fancy, like a Tier 0. I was thinking a cave. Something like a room where he can just go to rest up and treat injuries while still masquerading as The Lost. Eventually, when he's rich, I have plans of him buying up multiple safe houses scattered across the world, so that while he is out adventuring, he could always have some place to operate out of in emergencies. If my character ever starts a guild, I'd also like some kind of headquarters or something that is separate from his normal life's home.

Anyway, these are just thoughts I have rolling around in my head. I'm wondering if its possible to play it out in the future

I know that's a bit extravagant, but no matter how much society is one way there will always be individuals who want to do something different. It an be explained as simply as them being a little insane, or maybe that individual is simply a genius, maybe both, but probably just insane.

Of course there are more practical reasons to multiple home ownership. Especially in my character's case. I can go into them if needed, however right now I'm simply not at that stage of actually wanting these things put into practice.
To those who go the way, he who has strayed from the path, shall be known as The Lost.
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#5 User is offline   Xanth Icon

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 08:16 PM

Man, this is twice I gave you the wrong information because my brain was on the fritz. I can't answer the rest right now 'cause I'm on my way to bed, but regarding Transmutation: You're right, you can't use that on yourself, I'm sorry. During the revamp of the skill system, being able to transform into your element was one of the powers we considered, and there was a version of it before; I was thinking of those, not the current system.

Head, meet desk. Make friends, I expect you'll be seeing a lot of each other for a while.

Sorry again. :/

#6 User is offline   Zephyr Icon

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 01:29 AM

As for the homes thing, Yes you can own multiple properties. One of my characters, Chenoan, owns some land in both the Fae Forest and on the Ao Coast. He live primarily on the Coast, and so that's where his "home" thread is, but he still owns/visits the Forest land.

#7 User is offline   Lilith Icon

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Posted 30 July 2011 - 08:20 PM

Thank you two for your additional responses. That clears up my questions for now.
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