Elysian Fields: Elysian Fields -> Characters

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[R] = Under review, player contacted
[WIP] = Work-in-progress, not ready for review (please contact an admin when you're ready)


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This is where the approved profiles of active characters are stored. You can also keep track of the threads you're in and the characters you've met, post your character's thoughts and feelings in an IC diary, store character fanart or write short stories, poems, etc.

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Unread forum


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Unread forum

Unfinished & Unestablished

If, after a month, your character profile is unfinished or you haven't established your character, your application will be moved here.

If you return at a later date, you can edit your profile (major edits should be reposted rather than edited) and ask an admin to take another look at it for you.

However, accounts are deleted if applications aren't finished or characters aren't established after three months, so you may need to re-register and re-apply.

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Characters(Mark this forum as read)
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New Replies Pinned   Icon Wanted Characters Xanth Icon
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New Replies Pinned   Icon Application Template Admin Icon
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New Replies Pinned   Icon Validating Accounts Xanth Icon
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New Replies Icon Sample: Zozeko ibn Nihim
Zanaryan Djinn
Zozeko Icon
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