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[!] Upgrade Feedback

#1 User is offline   Xanth Icon

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Posted 30 November 2009 - 12:24 AM

Sooooo, guys, whaddaya think? Spiffeh, huh? :D

Obviously, it will take me a few days to work out all the kinks. I'd made the new default skin on my test installation and that's missing a few things, so you will see bits that aren't skinned properly (I just realised I forgot to skin the emotipopout, actually <_<), or images that are missing/default.

I may have to fiddle with settings on applications, modifications and such as well, but we'll have to see. I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback about the upgrade. A list of things I've missed, things that don't seem to work, things you love, things you dislike, etc etc. This isn't the sort of thing I can do (quickly and smoothly, at least) without help so please, please, please (with a cherry on top) post if you come across something you think needs my attention. <3

Personally, I love the new software version. It makes it much easier to do my adminly duties, and it's more of a pleasure to post. :) I'm already working on revamping Into the Unknown for v3 so we'll shortly have two custom skins, and I'm planning a couple of graphics contests to generate inspiration for new ones, so that's something to look forward to in future.

Okay, so now I've rambled a bit, I'll go off and get some more stuff fixed. XD

Oh yeah, and please don't forget to stop by this thread!

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