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[?] Archiving threads, or not?

#1 User is offline   Xanth Icon

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 09:13 AM

While I've been taking it easy this week, I decided to do some much-needed maintenance that doesn't take much brain juice, and archiving old threads was one of them. However, I've really been regretting moving those threads. I like the organisation of the boards, and knowing where Thread X is because it was set in Area Y is much easier than trying to find something that's "in Archives... somewhere".

So, I wanted to talk to you guys about the possibility of doing away with the Public Library, or at least only archiving certain threads, and leaving the rest in their board of origin. I know people from other RPs are accustomed to threads being archived fairly quickly, but is archiving necessary for you on a game like EF, or would it be okay to just leave them where they are? Or is that too confusing?

Is there an alternative?

Just to say, it's not the workload I'm worried about. To be honest, I only archive irregularly anyway. I'm just wondering if it's best not to archive at all, or to be more selective in which threads I archive, than to do it sporadically. What do you guys think?

#2 User is offline   Ionia Icon

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 07:29 AM

"Knowing where Thread X is because it was set in Area Y is much easier than trying to find something that's "in Archives... somewhere". "

I agree! Very much. :)
Call me silly or unorganized, but I don't see a need for archiving old RPs. I think it's perfectly fine to mix the old threads with the new. :)

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