Elysian Fields: [?] Revamping the racial pages - Elysian Fields

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[?] Revamping the racial pages Yes, again... ¬_¬

#1 User is offline   Xanth Icon

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 03:39 PM

Hi guys! I've been taking a look (again) at ways to make EF appeal to more people, and one of the things that keeps cropping up is that there is a lot of information to process. I don't want to lose any of the information because I know some folk like the detail, but I've been looking at ways to reduce the volume of data that newcomers need to know.

That in mind, I've been redesigning the racial template and I'd like your help. I would greatly appreciate if you could compare the original with the new version. There are several differences, chief among them being a "what you need" box at the very top of the page, better/more use of tables to pull out snippets for easier processing, and rewording the whole thing to be more concise. I've also moved some sections (like info about cleansing and Shaping) either to other pages (the dictionary for one) or to the footnotes.

I would like suggestions on how else the information can be made easier to process. Have I culled too much or not enough? Are there other ways to use images to get across what we need, etc etc.?

(Now is also a good time to open discussions on any aspects of Sylvan culture you'd like to develop further, but please post those comments separately on the Nymphs-Talk page.)

#2 User is offline   Xanth Icon

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Posted 14 April 2012 - 06:37 PM

Hi guys, me again! Just to say I've also done a redraft of the Zanaryan page, so if you get chance to do any reviewing, there's that too. However, my biggest concern with them right now is the infographics. The name chart, especially, seems like it might be more confusing than helpful, so I could use some opinions on those.

Thanks! <3

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