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[?] A few questions Aimiiyuki from RPG-D here

#1 ••Saenote

  • Group: Guests

Posted 27 April 2012 - 11:52 AM

First of all, I'm sorry as I haven't had time to go through the rules yet, I have a few questions. The setting interests me enough that I might just make a character.

Do we have to use play bys? I like drawing my characters. Yes, I do come from anime sites.

How does the character account system work? I don't like being forced to register as my character, but it's not a deal breaker for me.

Are there any original species to chose from?

Thank you for your time!

#2 User is offline   Xanth Icon

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 12:10 PM

Hello, Aimii! Welcome to EF. :D I'm Emma!

You don't have to use playbys at all, if you prefer. We welcome character art so you're definitely welcome to draw your own character. I use a mixture of playbys and art myself, and anime avatars are fine. :) Just as long everything is properly credited and the art/pbs are relevant to the character, it's fine.

We are account-per-character, I'm afraid. We have a bank mod and our skill system is primarily based on post count so we kind of have to be.

Yes, we have six playable species, all of which are original. You can read brief summaries here, which also links to their full profiles if you'd like more information about any of them. Our Getting Started is also a great place to start if you want to poke around some more. ^^

Please let me know if you need anything!

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