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god among insects [jcink] au modern day super power site

#1 ••charbby

  • Group: Guests

Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:01 PM

Posted Image

We are an AU Super Power RP set in Seoul, Korea present day. The Nex Gene. It's a Gene found in all of us. Waiting...and waiting to explode. All it needs is something to set it off, and that's exactly what happened. A massive earthquake in Japan, one that went right off the charts leaving parts of Japan in shambles and completely destroying other parts after a massive explosion at a major Nuclear Power Plant. The explosion was so powerful, the waves of radiation were felt practically all around the world. Parts of Europe as well as the United States were affected by the radiation seeping into the air. This radiation is just what the Nex Gene was looking for. Soon as the body came in contact with this radiation, the gene started do its work and completely took over the body. Still appearing as a human being, the body was slightly altered. Altered with abilities. This Gene has been festering inside of us for a long time feening off of the things we've done growing up, and now that it's been triggered there's no telling what this Gene is capable of making us do. What had only seemed like a really bad break out of the common cold was really the gene surfacing and taking over. Some symptoms included sweats, shivers, headaches, coughing, sneezing, nausea, aches and pains. Typical common cold symptoms. When people started to grow things or disappear with the blink of an eye, Medical Specialists knew that something was up. Something had happened and that's when they started doing tests. Some tests ended up fatal while others enhanced the gene causing more mutations to happen. There are also people who have yet to experience any of this and have not been affected, but the gene still lies dormant.

That's not all that was going on with these newly found abilities. People were using them to their advantage. Some people were resorting to looting places and some riots started to occur. Some were killing others for personal gain and pleasure. These people were called the Antagonists. It was getting harder and harder for authorities to keep up with these people. It was kinda hard to catch people who could teleport. It was getting to the point where the police were defenseless it wasn't until some people who too were subjected to their newly found abilities and offered to help stop the ones causing harm and destruction to innocent people These people were called the Protagonists. A rivalry between the Antagonists and Protagonists had started. In the midst of it all were the Freelancers, who were neutral and would only join a side with good reasons. A war hadn't completely broken out among the Protagonists and Antagonists, but tensions were felt everywhere. The only people who really suffer, though, are the Civilians, who can't do anything but stand back and watch it all unfold.

Thanks to the Nex Gene the whole world is starting to tear apart at the seams. The question is which part are you in?


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