Elysian Fields: + Second Pass Weyr | AU 18+ Canon Pern RPG - Elysian Fields

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+ Second Pass Weyr | AU 18+ Canon Pern RPG No WC, No Activity Req. - Pure fun!

#1 ••SP Team

  • Group: Guests

Posted 05 December 2013 - 12:06 PM

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Second Pass is an AU, Canon Dragonriders of Pern RPG, set at the tail end of the First Interval. With an over arching plot catering to the IC politics, the site is heavily player influenced, with a strong 'slice of life' take on things - what is it like to be a dragonrider? A child of the Weyr? A Stolen longing to go home?

With the opening of Telgar Hold, there are abounding opportunities to play in a more fantasy-medieval setting, where rank and blood ties are of the utmost importance, where peasants are struggling for a day to day living, while their lords and ladies gossip behind one another's back.

Second Pass offers Players countless opportunities to RP - Want to RP a gold dragonrider? A Wingleader? A Second? A trouble maker or a brown-noser? We have room and would love every single one! Is romance more your style? We have countless room for that, too, with couples abounding. Want drama in your character's life? Or rainbows and sunshine? We have both, and everything in between and beyond!

Is heavy involvement in site plots more your thing? Sign on up! We have opportunities for characters from all scopes of life - from weyrbrat through to bronze and goldriders! Any enterprising individual will be able to find a place within our plots!

1:1 time scale!
No Word Count!
No activity requirements!
No restrictions on character count!
Hatching approximately every other month!
We encourage everyone to try their hand at Impressing gold!
Room to RP themes and stories not always welcome on other boards!

We do not restrict everyone to harsh rules due to the actions of individuals.
Second Pass treats its members as adults, both mature and responsible.
Individuals are expected to be capable of self monitoring,
and the team handles cases on a per-person basis.


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18+ age requirement for members.
Site does contain some NSFW content.
Ad boards are PG rated.

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<a href="http://second-pass.net"><img src="http://second-pass.net/BadgePictures/SPWBadge.jpg" title="Second Pass Weyr; Adult Canon Pern"></a>


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